Monday, 21 January 2013

Completed flatplans

Before planning my front cover flatplan, I had a look at different Rock front cover magazines which inspired me in creating my final flatplan. I have decided to feature the whole band as my main image on the front cover because my market research suggests that most of my target audience prefer the whole band to be seen. Also by looking at different front covers with bands on them, it has also helped me to come to a decision on how to take the actual picture as the whole band has to fit in the picture.

Here is my flatplan for my front cover:

I made sure to include a lot of freebies on the front cover as my target audience prefer a lot of freebies to be seen. I think this layout is effective because of the main image as it has an angle of gaze which yet again communicates with my potential target audience. Additionally by including different band names on my front cover, it highlights the genre that my actual magazine is focusing on.

Contents page flatplan:

I decided to use the same colour on the heading 'Contents' from the front cover to make the whole magazine look more appealing as the colour scheme is continuous. I decided to have the image of the band "The Drej" more bigger than the others as they feature in the double page spread.

Double page spread flatplan:

In my double page spread, I decided to use a simple layout which is common in most Rock magazines as I have decided to feature a pull quote next to the main image of the double spread. Also, the colour scheme is also consistent which makes the whole magazine look more professional. Near the text, I am also considering to put a image of The Drej rehearsing.

By creating my flatplans, It will help me a lot when producing my actual magazine as I will refer back to my designs and even make changes to improve my magazine. Additionally, I have also considered what to include in the actual magazine for example different names of subheadings which is beneficial as it has helped me develop my ideas.

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